Catcha Bear and Friends

Here you will find all of our Catcha Bear book series and products. Each book helps to instill positive virtues from the Seven Grandfather Teaching's: Love, Courage, Honesty, Humility, Wisdom, Respect and Truth.

Each month a new book is recommended by one of Catcha Bear's friends to teach Early Years students about a chosen teaching. A free download of blackline master sheets are also available each month!

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Catcha Bear and Friends a Seven Teachings Book Series

Follow the adventures of Catcha Bear and her friends as they learn different character building lessons. Each book helps to instill positive virtues based on the Seven Grandfather Teachings such has Love, Courage, Humility, Honesty, Wisdom, Respect and Truth.

Early Years Seven Teachings Series

A great set to introduce young children to the Seven Grandfather Teachings. Follow the adventures of Johnny, Sally, Tani, Bobbie, Bucky, Catcha and Folf as they all have fun in their own way.

Each animal shows why they brig their own special teaching.